This is the beginning! Clean face!
I don't use any particular face wash. I use Dove body wash in the shower, which I also use on my face, but if I'm not showering that day, I'll occasionally use Clean & Clear Foaming Facial Cleanser (oil free). As sad as this is- I don't really have a face routine because I'm never consistent enough. Maybe one day when I really grow up I will…
{Step 1} Foundation is where I start first. This was one of my recent switches over to the real world of makeup. Previously I only used CoverGirl, and I typically used a wet to powder type product. I found I wasn't getting the coverage I needed to last all day (I was have to apply several times throughout the day to keep my face from looking oily) so my mom and I took a trip to Sephora to check out if there was a better foundation for both of us (she has the same problem). After talking to several associates, we came upon Make Up Forever Mat Velvet + and my prayers had been answered! I LOVE this product, it usually lasts me anywhere from 4-6 months (this itty bitty bottle lasts me that long, can you believe it?!) and I only reapply once if I'm going from day to night. My skin is my skin, it's going to get oily after a long day of work, so I like for a very matte look and typically just use what's left on my brush to touch up before heading to a happy hour or dinner.
I use Sephora's PRO Foundation Brush #40, and granted it's the only foundation brush I've used (I used to use sponges), but I love it.
I apply all over, especially focusing under my eyes for better coverage of my dark circles, and on the sides of my nose.
{Step 2} I use this CoverGirl invisible concealer in Fair for dual purposes. I've tried essentially every contouring trick in the book, watched any and all contouring tutorials and they're all great for when you have HOURS to do your makeup in front of a video camera and professional grade vanity, or if your Kim Kardashian. While one day I hope to live a life like Kim's (minus the sex tape and being married to Kanye), that's not now and I have approximately 7 minutes in the car from my house to work to get my "face" on.
Not only does this help me to contour (which is why I purchased it the shade "fair"), it better helps cover my dark circles (if you couldn't tell from the first photo- and I pay that price heavily under my eyes).
This is where I apply my concealer/light contouring
I just blend in with my fingers. I've tried the trendy beauty blenders, and if I was a betting person it's somewhere in the black hole that is the backseat of my car. They're not worth the money in my opinion, and I found myself finishing the blending with my fingers when I used it anyway.
{Step 3} More contouring with my second favorite makeup product ever- BRONZER! Since I discovered the wonders of bronzer in high school, I have been addicted. I use Too Faced Chocolate Soleil Medium/Deep Matte Bronzer. Again, wanting to keep with the matte theme I chose this product over others. Also, I really did not want a bronzer with GLITTER in it {This is not Limited Too with the body glitter rollers people. This is everyday life!}. This particular product is made with actual cocoa so you definitely smell delicious, on top of looking delicious. When it comes to contouring, I stray away from the sometimes suggested darker foundation blending into the lighter foundation approach because it's usually messy and unless you're a professional, you'll end up looking like a drag queen. And who wants to buy TWO foundations anyway? That's a lot of product clogging up your pores on your face.
I usually start by highlighting my cheekbones, as you'll see in the photo above. I use Sephoras PRO Fan Brush #65. I believe this brush is designed to sweep away any eye shadow or other makeup reside that may have fallen to other parts of your face (does that happen ALL the time when applying eye shadow to anyone else?), but I use it for contouring & bronzing purposes. Its flat fan shape allows me to have pretty accurate lines, which I prefer when contouring, over the fatter and rounder "bronzer" brushes you will see in stores.
Something I picked up from a contouring tutorial I watched was highlighting your jawline. While I have an okay jawline, I definitely loved the look of highlighting it after I tried it and I've incorporated it into my routine. Less turkey gobbler, more definition.
I usually finish up my contouring/bronzing step by contouring my nose. My nose has, and probably always will be, my sensitive area. I love all my features, my genetics and God gave me them- but damn a cute button nose would have been nice! All this does is make my nose appear more narrow.
{Step 4} BLUSH BLUSH BLUSH. This is my favorite product in the entire universe. I think blush makes my face come alive, it warms me up and adds dimension! I don't use anything fancy, and God help me if CoverGirl ever stops running this shade because both my mom and I have used it since the dawn of time. My blush is CoverGirl classic color in Iced Plum (510). OBSESSED is an under statement. If you know me well at all, when you're doing an ice breaker and someone asks "what is the one thing you couldn't live without?" Blush. Definitely Blush. The answer is Blush.
I used to have a separate, fat and fluffy, blush brush but that has since been lost. For now, I use the brush that comes with the packaging, it suffices and I'm used to it.
I start in the apples of my cheeks and lightly follow the bronzer contouring lines, just for added depth and warmth.
{Step 5} Are eyebrows! This is a rather recent step added into my beauty routine, but I think it makes a world of difference. I use Anastasia Beverly Hills Brow Wiz in Caramel found in Sephora. I asked for a product that was easy to apply for a beginner, so I would highly recommend this if you're new to penciling eyebrows (like I am) or if you just want a user friendly product. This product is nice because it has an ultra fine, retractable tip so no need for pencil sharpeners! However, I did accidentally purchase Perfect Brow Pencil in Caramel, so that does require sharpening, but still a great product to use. I chose the Caramel color, because I felt the other brown shades were too harsh on my face. I have olivey skin, so I like to have makeup that warms my face up and the caramel seemed to be the best to do just that.
{What a difference, amiright?!}
Most of the time I'm usually pulling into the office parking lot at this point scrambling to gather my purse and other belongings, so I quit here. I feel like it's a good day time look and don't need to go further (although it's my preference). So if you're on snap chat, you'll often find me with this look, hehe.
Taking it a few steps further...
{Step 7} Eyeliner. I constantly had a battle with eyeliner growing up. I suppose my eyes water a lot and I found that my eyeliner would pool on either ends, kinda defeating the whole purpose. OR, even better, it would stain to my eyelid crease so it was like I applied in two separate places. {SMH} Well, liquid eyeliner came into my life and all was right in the world again. Much like mascara, I use this quite often so don't really want to pay the price for a "real" eyeliner if I can find a "just as good" drugstore version. I've used this Maybelline Waterproof Ultra Liner in both Dark Brown and Black. Sometimes I prefer the brown for a softer look (which is what I am using here), whereas sometimes I like to channel my inner Beyonce from Freakum Dress and opt for the black.

I usually like a little winged look, adds an even more sultry feel to my already almond shaped eyes
{Step 8} Just add a little lipstick! Again, I don't rock this look as often as I normally want, but when I have the time, I do. This lipstick is Revlon Super Lustrous Lipstick in Rum Raisin. Again, both a color that my mom and I have worn for ages and I will absolutely die if they ever stop making it. If you have skin tones like me, I'd definitely recommend it, but the link above shows all different skin tones with Rum Raisin applied!
Here is the final finished product from my makeup routine!
I love reading about peoples beauty routines! Lovely post!
Thanks Lauren!