Sunday, January 5, 2014

Me, myself and I

This weekend has not felt like a weekend. I guess I'm still trying to get myself back into the daily routine, but it's proving to be really difficult for me. I've just lounged around my apartment essentially the entire weekend.
And I'm okay with that?
Since I was seeing people I don't normally see over Christmas time it made me re-evaluate "How I've been doing". During college I was extremely... needy for a lack of better words. I've always been a people person, but throw in living without your family for the first time and a run of bad relationships and breakups- I never wanted to be alone. Now? Ha! I'm ready for some me time always! I've just come leaps and bounds with being alone and comfortable with myself and I must say, it's a proud feeling. Good friends had similar proud reactions, especially after hearing I was living by myself for the first time this year. I don't view being an extrovert and enjoying good company often as a bad thing, but the degree of co-dependency I was needing was unhealthy and I was subconsciously running from myself. 
A weekend like this past one is something I would have been panicking over four years ago. Now, I welcome it with open arms. 

Friday night I enjoyed staying in, relaxing and drinking wine by myself for the most part (maybe that sounds a little overboard...). Just had some me time after being surrounded by family and friends for the past two weeks. 
Just Ajax and I having a chat over some wine. 

Saturday morning I took Kyle to the airport... a couple of times!
Poor thing's flights were delayed causing him to miss his original connection in Dallas- oh you know because he's going to the National Championship game with his family tomorrow! He finally made it to California safe and sound, but I can't say I hated spending a couple extra hours with him. Perks of him traveling: I get Ajax while he's gone! He's so sweet and well-behaved, and Mayley loves the companionship. 

These two crack me up. They're inseparable. 

I ended the night with some champagne at a friends apartment. What girl doesn't love 4 bottles of champagne left over in their fridge from New Years Eve?

Today has been so lazy. My sleeping schedule has been all out of whack from being back in Tampa and having some fun nights to start the new year so I slept for a long time, and it was glorious. The rainy weather and two furry cuddle bugs made for a couple of perfect naps. 

I, yet again, did not bring my work home with me this weekend (even though I told myself I was going to) so I will have to get really motivated to knock out all my to-do list. I'm going to the gym and grocery shopping too, so hopefully that will make me feel even more ready to take on the week. I'm off to read more of the New Orleans Voodoo book my extremely thoughtful man got me for christmas. It's so interesting! 


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