Sunday, August 10, 2014

Sunday Blues

Hi blog world, hope y'all have had a wonderful weekend.
I'm currently suffering from some Sunday blues. Why? Who the hell knows. I have everything in the world to be happy about- I'm working, no one in my family or close friends are sick, my doggy(s) are doing wonderful, my man is pure gold…
But every now and then, I just get down. I'm suffering from some post-grad problems I'm sure. I miss having people at my fingertips, I miss being able to make spontaneous trips to target with a car full of girls. I miss having gals to lady-date at cute restaurants with, as an excuse to wear all the cute clothes and wedges we have in our closets. Maybe it's because I subconsciously know all my younger sisters are heading back to the sorority house for pre-recruitment this weekend and I subconsciously am dreading (pure jealousy) all the happiness that will be my social media feeds of "reunited and it feels so good"… As I sit on my couch in my PJs, eating rice cakes, watching Bravo re-runs while hearing the dogs snore their heads of… When did Kaleigh Farmer become a loser? I suppose tomorrow I will wake up with a completely different perspective,  as those close to me have reminded me that I just joined an organization that should help put out these feelings of, jesus, is it loneliness that I'm feeling? Anyway, I digress...
So as a way to cheer myself up, I found myself on blogger and clicked that little "write post" button. So let's flash back this week and tell this L-seven WEEEEEEENIE what a fun week I actually had.

I got to meet Princess Lilli, my coworkers adorable lab puppy, finally! How precious is she? I love her "cleopatra" eyes as her fur mommy refers to them as. What a perfect way to start the day at work!

 My #OOTD. Find my outfit details on instagram {here}.
After a long day at work, I stopped by a local Mayor fundraiser. It was great to catch up with old friends and check out a local candidate. I also made it in time to join some other friends and my ginga for some Seinfeld trivia. 

ALSO, my Erin Condren planner finally came! I'm in love! It's been so helpful to have this little thing to keep me on track!


I snapped this little beauty outside the infamous club pub (and no I was not there to get crab legs…)
Kinda nice when God gives you a little wave from up above.

Found this and immediately thought of one of my best friends, Knowles. Thank you Henri Girl for keeping me laughing for a solid 10 minutes. 
{Also if you have never shopped with them, do it. They have some of the cutest clothes!}

It was also the last day, well technically her last day was Thursday and I wasn't going to be in the office, of my intern! She has been so helpful this summer and she's such a gem. I'm so lucky that I first met her through my sisterhood, and that she was able to come help me out this summer. I am so proud of all that she has accomplished, as she just graduated from FSU and is off to finish her hospitality hours with another internship in Jacksonville! Go Claire Bear!


Thursday was spent driving down to Miami. Can I just explain how it feels to be in the car for 8 hours? It's terrible. But this view definitely made it worth it. Talk about an amazing view.

 Once our work event was finished, I was able to watch a lightning show on the bay from my hotel room. Caught this little gem just in time.


Watched the rain roll in during sunrise. Spectacular view of the water and downtown Miami.

Spent another 8 hours in the car heading back to Tallahassee. I was so happy to greeted by my blonde baby and this guy…


JLT hosted their Summer Salad Social for new members. 

Dress: Trending Now
Accessories: Alex & Ani, Trending Now, Michael Kors
Wedges: Steve Madden (old- Similar Here)

All of the treats and yummy things you see here are from the Junior League of Tallahassee Cook Book! Check it out here!


Consisted of sitting on the couch and being emo. 
{lolol… but really. I feel ridiculous because I have so much to be grateful for, sometimes the little things in life just start to pick at you.}

Going to change perspective and start the coming week with a good attitude. 
Do you ever have moments that you need to reflect to realize how wonderful things actually are?

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