Sunday, June 1, 2014

My newest guilty pleasure

I have always had a guilty pleasure for reality/trash TV. { Like since the dawn of time }
Every "Real Housewives" series, I could tell you anything and everything you wanted to know about them. Essentially anything on Bravo really…Keep up with the Kardashians,  Mob Wives? Hell yeah (shout out to Gold's for having the best two channels next to each other- VH1 and Fox News.. Talk about an entertaining walk or run). My newest guilty pleasure though is Total Diva's on E! I am full on addicted. So I am spending the end to this drizzly, gray and windy day snuggled up with my pup watching Wrestle Mania and Brie Bella's wedding. Who am I? 

But she is one beautiful bride. 

And look at this sweepy babyyyy…

This weekend was nothing too exciting, but still- no complaints here. Saturday I managed to find the long lost piece of storage furniture I had been looking for at Home Goods! SO EXCITING! Only to get it out to my car, then up my flight of stairs, and into the space to discover… *drum roll please* it's missing a leg (HOW did I not notice that before I left?!), it doesn't fit my needs (crying), and Target had the exact same piece for $15 CHEAPER. Le Sigh, the search continues. 

Kyle and I did take a trip out to Southwood after dinner for some fishing and looking at houses. I don't know what it is about that area, but it makes me so happy. The homes are adorable and some are absolutely stunning, and it's so peaceful. Kyle even caught a bass, AND I got to take a photo with it. I'm usually hesitant to hold them- I always envision them actually chopping down with their big mouth onto my baby hands, but the pressure and swiftness of the moment sweeps over, I squeak and pose for the photo (because pics or it didn't happen) and immediately fling return it back in the safety of Kyle. I'm getting way better with this though. Promise.

Here fishy fishy

 I couldn't get over how beautiful the spanish oak trees were. Truly breathtaking.

 Lookin for another little fishy

This was a really awesome shot of the storm that was rolling in and ultimately ended our adventure. It had such an eery glow and feel about it, it really was super cool to watch. Kyle and I headed home, watched a movie and called it an end to a pretty good day.

Today I've not done much, sadly returned my piece of furniture to Home Goods and tried Target out for size. To no avail, I left without any furniture and a shopping cart full of things I didn't know I needed. Does that happen to anyone else? You walk in and you're like "I need ONE thing. That's it", then all of a sudden you find yourself buying panties, and clothes, and a egg crate for your mattress, and birthday plates/napkins (okay that I at least need for next weekend) and somehow 2.5 hours have passed?! At least I got my grocery shopping for the week out of the way?…. 

Today starts my 30-day Ab challenge! The count down to the Keys is officially on so what better way to get ready last minute than an ab challenge? I'm lucky to have the support of a few coworkers that are participating with me, so I'm even more determined to complete it!

Tomorrow is Kyle's 26th birthday- but more importantly the day that makes him officially three years older than me again hehe! All joking aside, I'm so incredibly excited to celebrate this day with him. He's been such a real blessing in my life, so I want to make a day all about him very special, he really deserves it. I'll be sharing later this week the gift I got him, so stay tuned! Let's hope he loves it just as much as I do!

Hope everyone had a great weekend and is ready to start the week out on a good note!


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