Gonna try a little Five on Friday on this cloudy and gray day. No, I'm not an awesome enough blogger to do link-ups with other bloggers for Five on Friday (maybe one day) so it's just me. Le Sigh
One // I'm sprucing up this little corner of the interwebs. I'm changing up the title a little bit and I am awaiting responses for some graphic re-design overhaul. I think I may have described my blog as a Pinterest DIY project fail at one point. I mean come on, I'm not a graphic artist, I have zero experience in HTML (all things I am wanting to learn more as I go along) so what else should I expect?
Here's a sneak peak into what I'm thinking. SO you'll have to stay tuned to see how it turns out.
{ And because I want you to }
These are my two favorite designers so far (and I've been doing my research).
I'm leaning towards one already, but which designer do you like better?
Two // Parks is back in Tallahassee! Not for too long, but she's back! She'll be leaving for Nicaragua in a few days for a mission trip, so I suppose that's acceptable to go help those in need. We caught up sitting outside 101 (check them out here!) downtown, had dinner and enjoyed the live music. We both got their sangria, and boy was it delicious. I guess now that I'm 23, I'm starting to enjoy a good sangria more often (why is that?)...
Three // Last weekend I was definitely in home improvement mode. I wanted to clean my whole house, do all SIX loads of laundry (I keep asking myself why I let it get that bad, I always hate being stuck doing that much), reorganize my filing system, actually PUT bills into my filing system... That led me to this really awesome project! I saw it on Pinterest originally, but never found the time to actually execute it.
Thanks to Kyle's handy skills, this is how mine turned out:
Before this project, all trillion of my necklaces were hanging from the hooks my bracelets currently reside on in the second photo. When you have about 7 minutes to get out the door and make it to work because you chose to hit snooze 23 times, having the most efficient jewelry set up is a must (that situation happens way more than I'd rather admit)
Four // Help! Help! My #Three leads me to my #Four, continuing with the home improvement kick I've been on… { I am looking for a 30"H x 12-18" L x 20"D white bookcase } Those are very specific dimensions (and apparently impossible), but I am looking for a good home next to my vanity in my room to store my filing box, my printer, and move a large decorative lamp over to give me more working space. I want the space to be relatively seamless, my "vanity" (I'll use the term loosely) is actually a very minimal desk that I use for makeup, folded laundry I'm too lazy to put away, things that I drop when I walk in the door (and on)... I've checked most common websites (Walmart, Target, Ikea...) for something and have come up empty- orrrrrr I would have to sell my kidney for it. I'm not trying to spend more than like $50 here, ballin on a budget.
Something like this, but obviously if it fit my dimensions and had doors to hide what's in the spaces?
Five // It's supposed to rain here all weekend. NOOOOOO. This always happens. It's GORGEOUS as I'm staring out my office window all week and then BAM here comes the weekend and the gloomy weather. So, while I drag Kyle to search for my #Four tonight, and do nothing on a perfectly good Saturday (SATURDAY- I live for the weekend people!) since it'll be raining, I'll be dreaming of pina coladas and NOT getting caught in the rain. Guess I'll just have to stare at my model dog and my handsome ginger. Rough life.
That's my Five on Friday. Hope y'all have a wonderful weekend